Dodgeball is going on in Italy!

The great success of the Dodgeball tournament of last October 2017 for the Project 3SP-Special Sport for Special People event, influenced a new tournament starting from the next Monday, April 9th 2018. It will be held at the Centro San Salvatore – Villaggio del Ragazzo the 1st CFP Dodgeball Tournament to which the classes attending vocational training will take part during the break hours from the lessons.
For more information click here:…/1-torneo-cfp-dodgeball-al-centr…/


All the products of 3SP are finally ready!

Results of the project

3 Educational Kits, 3 Supporting Manuals and 1 Methodological Guidebook

The main objective of the 3SP Project is to promote motor activity and sports practice in order to favor, in the young people who frequent the paths of Education and Professional Training, styles of healthier lives, interpersonal relationships aimed at welcoming others, more motivation and concentration in the study, greater awareness of the importance of health, greater participation in the activities proposed by the training center.

The 3SP project has led to the development of educational proposals – over 80 structured in 3 kits accompanied by operational manuals and a Methodological Guide – that have been jointly developed by a multidisciplinary staff belonging to the project partnership, and tested during the year 2017 with over 750 young people in Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Croatia and the United Kingdom.


The methodological guide describes the values, methodology and benefits for the age group in question.
The approach adopted is that of flexibility understood as a key element, both in the combination of activities and in all aspects of the organization of the exercise that can be carried out in the classroom, it can last a few minutes. The goal is to promote physical and sporting exercise not in a competitive sense, but rather to promote socialization, inclusion and well-being.

Methodological Guidebook

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This “flexible” approach is at the base of the choice to divide the activities into 3 thematic thematics (translated into 3 KIT) that involve the body in all its aspects, the physical, mental, reflective and relational

1. Kit Body&Sport

It’s focuses on the importance of Sport and Physical Activity to improve health and prevent diseases related to a sedentary lifestyle (eg obesity, stress, etc.).

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2. Kit Soul&Sport

Promotes fairness and loyalty as well as the inclusive value of Sport and Physical Activity in order to promote healthy lifestyles of people with fewer opportunities and as a tool for social inclusion for disadvantaged people.

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3. Kit Brain, Heart&Sport

This kit looks at Sports and Physical Activity as a tool to encourage learning and development of so-called soft skills.

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The 3 kits are been developed thanks to the collaboration of all the partners and the technical-sporting support of the CSI (Italian Sports Center).

The activities contained in the three kits were tested during the year 2017 with over 750 young people in Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Croatia and the United Kingdom.


The kits are presented as sessions linked to activities of different durations that can be offered to the students and to the students by all the trainers, not only those of the sports area. Each practice is distinguished by color that corresponds to a degree of difficulty and mode of development (Green: simple; Yellow: intermediate; Red: difficult).

The 3 kits have been developed thanks to the collaboration of all the project partners and the technical-sporting support of the CSI (Italian Sports Center).

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Scuola Centrale Formazione, as the coordinator of this project, decided to translate all the final documents in Italians, in order to deliver a better and clear idea of the project to all the associated members. Thanks to this operations we are sure our trainers, professor, tutor and teachers can disseminate in the best way the concept of this materials.

Each of the preview materials are On the SCF’s website there is the description of the products in Italian and you can freely download here:

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Promotional Card of the Project;

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Let’s Play Together, Let’s Feel Good: Si conclude il progetto Erasmus Sport 3sp

Si è svolto, giovedì 26 ottobre presso il Cierrebiclub di Bologna, l’evento “Let’s Play Together, Let’s Feel Good” che segna la chiusura del progetto Erasmus Sport “3sp – Special Sport for Special People”.

Hanno partecipato circa 400 giovani studenti provenienti da organizzazioni dei paesi partner del progetto e dagli istituti scolastici e dai centri di formazione della Regione Emilia Romagna e da molte altre regioni italiane.  Un grande momento di festa per questi ragazzi, un’occasione per muoversi insieme e sentirsi meglio. Ed anche la presentazione dei risultati di progetto: 3SP ha portato allo sviluppo di proposte educative – oltre 80 strutturate in 3 kit corredati di manuali operativi ed una Guida metodologica – che prossimamente saranno disponibili sul sito di Scuola Centrale Formazione, ad uso di tutti. Insegnanti, formatori, educatori, allenatori o animatori giovanili, possono scaricare gratuitamente i materiali didattici dalla pagina web dedicata:


La giornata si è aperta con i saluti di Giuseppe De Biasi, Capo di gabinetto della Città Metropolitana di Bologna e del presidente di Scuola Centrale Formazione, Emilio Gandini, ed è proseguita con gli interventi di Michele Marchetti, direttore generale del Centro Sportivo Italiano e di Andrea Segrè, Professore ordinario Università di Bologna, i quali hanno messo in evidenza i valori che sostengono questo progetto: l’approccio adottato è quello della flessibilità.

Let’s play together, Let’s feel good!

L’evento chiude 2 anni di attività del progetto europeo “3SP – Special Sport for Special People”, uno dei 24 progetti italiani di cooperazione finanziato dal programma ERASMUS SPORT che ha promosso tra i giovani adolescenti, di età compresa tra i 13 e i 20 anni, stili di vita più sani, inclusivi e responsabili, attraverso la promozione di attività motorie e sportive accessibili a tutti.

Sono attesi oltre 380 studenti dalle organizzazioni partner del progetto e dagli istituti scolastici e dai centri di formazione della Regione Emilia Romagna e della molte altre regioni italiane.

La manifestazione che gode del Patrocinio della Città Metropolitana di Bologna, è aperta alla partecipazione di allievi e docenti, e prevede sessioni distinte:

  • L’evento seminariale rivolto agli operatori previsto per la mattina del 26/10 sarà aperto dal Sindaco di Bologna, Virginio Merola. Previsti gli interventi di Andrea Segrè, Università di Bologna,  Cesare Moreno, Presidente dell’associazione Maestri di Strada, Michele Marchetti Centro sportivo Italiano, Raffealla Milano Save The Children Europe. Sono stati invitati la Ministra dell’Istruzione, Valeria Fedeli che interverrà con un messaggio scritto, e il Capo dell’Unità Sport della Commissione Europea, Yves Le Lostecqueche interverrà via video.
  • Le attività sportive rivolte agli allievi saranno animate dallo Staff del Centro Sportivo Italiano (CSI), partner del progetto Erasmus SPORT “3SP – Special Sport for Special People”. Dato il numero limitato di posti, per partecipare è necessario iscriversi: Tel. 051.0568980 – persona di contatto: Lucia Boccia)

Le riflessioni proposte durante l’evento seminariale intendono (ri)mettere al centro dell’attenzione educativa l’importanza di offrire a tanti adolescenti che oggi sono esclusi dall’attività motoria e sportiva, – così determinante per una crescita armoniosa di cittadini e di futuri lavoratori sani –  pari opportunità di accesso, anche attraverso le strutture scolastiche e formative che frequentano per studiare e formarsi.

Con l’occasione saranno presentati i 3 kit di attività (oltre 80) – che sono state sono già state sperimentate nel corso del corrente anno 2017 con oltre 750 giovani in Italia, Spagna, Germania, Belgio, Croazia e Regno Unito -, corredati di manuali operativi ed una Guida metodologica prodotti dal progetto 3SP e tradotti in italiano.

Il progetto 3SP, infatti, è frutto di una cooperazione europea tra soggetti pubblici e privati aventi responsabilità e finalità diverse ma complementari rispetto al target e alle tematiche trattate.

Le organizzazioni coinvolte in 3SP sono:

  • Scuola Centrale Formazione (coordinatore del progetto)
  • Governo Autonomo della Catalogna(Spagna)
  • Centro Sportivo Italiano
  • Citta di Pola
  • CEC – Comité Européen de Coordination
  • CJD – Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands (Germania)
  • Coleg Cambria (UK)
  • ALTEO (Belgio)
  • ENAC – Ente Nazionale Canossiano (Italia)
  • Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri (Italia).


Pancalli (Cip), 70 thousand young people with disabilities practice sports

ROME – “The numbers are never enough than what we want the sport to achieve. We’re talking about 70,000 people on a potential of about 700-800,000 girls and boys in Italy who could do it.” To say about the importance of sport for people with disabilities, is Luca Pancalli, Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip), in the margins of the presentation of Oso-Ogni Sport Oltre, the first digital community to bring people with disabilities to sports, Presented today in Rome.c28f6ee9717a53656cfd69aaa18d56f9.jpg

“Sport – it adds – is imported as many other activities, it is a right, but also an extraordinary instrument of inclusion and integration. It is not just high competition, it is much more. It is what is practiced daily and on the territory and Helps a country grow. “

3SP Mainstreaming Event in Germany by M. Stolz (CJD Verbund NRW Süd/Rheinland)

On the 1st of April, 2017, the German project partner CJD Verbund NRW Süd/Rheinland, Germany, organized a mainstreaming event at one of its facilities in Germany in order to promote the ERASMUS+ Sport project “3SP: Special Sport for Special People” to its youngsters and other interested stakeholders and to do altogether some sport activities. A sports tournament was (mostly soccer) organized, where young people from the CJD facilities from Wissen, Siegen, Königswinter, Frechen, and Hanau (all in Western Germany) as well as youngsters from all over the region took part. The tournament took place at the gym of a public school in Wissen, Germany.

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Here, in two groups 13 teams played against each other and enjoyed it to do sports together with their friends, thereby promoting underlying concepts and values such as fair play, inclusion, integration, respect, tolerance, and others. During the time in between their playtimes they had the opportunity to inform themselves about the 3SP project at the project information desk or by directly talking to the CJD project coordinator.

3SP 2nd Animation Event in Germany

3SP 2nd Animation Event in Germany

by M. Stolz (CJD Verbund NRW Süd/Rheinland)

On the 16th of March, 2017, the German project partner CJD Verbund NRW Süd/Rheinland, Germany, presented the project „3SP: Special Sports for Special People“ at the first regularly held employee meeting at the CJD in Frechen, Germany. As project coordinator, Mr. Martin Stolz presented the 3-SP project to many of his colleagues, head of other departments, and other professionals working in the CJD in Frechen in order to give them more information about the project, its European dimension as an ERASMUS+ Sports project, its aims, its implementation, and also its so far achieved results.

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In the assembly hall Mr. Stolz presented a detailed presentation to cover all the points mentioned above. He also showed some photos of the trainers trainings (international and local) and of the implementation of the project in Italy for this reason.

After this more theoretical part, Mr. Stolz showed some activities out of the unit developed by the ALTEO Sports, one of the Belgian partner organizations, to his colleagues to show them more practically how the projects works and also to engage them actively. On the stage he explained the sense of this unit in detail with all its parts and demonstrated  three activities as an example. Hereby he has chosen only such activities, that can be done by many people in many different situations – one characteristic underlying the whole work of the 3SP project – and without needing special infrastructure – another underlying principle of all kits that were developed within the project.


[Here you can see the professionals working in the CJD Frechen who are testing their isometric strength in their lower limbs (Unit developed by ALTEO Sports, Session 2)]

The last point of the agenda has been reserved for for questions and discussions about the 3SP project itself and European projects in general, especially ERASMUS+ projects.